发布时间:2019-07-31        阅读量:

姓 名:戴雄英

职 称:副教授









2007年7月~至今 必威西汉姆官网理学院 教师



1. 纳米粒子的扩散动力学

2. 纳米合金的扩散和生长

3. 二维材料的电子结构和输运性质


1. 2013年获必威西汉姆官网优秀科技成果一等奖

2. 2015年获必威西汉姆官网优秀班主任

3. 2016年获必威西汉姆官网教学质量优秀奖

4. 2017年获必威西汉姆官网优秀班主任

5. 2017年获必威西汉姆官网优秀教师

6. 2018年获必威西汉姆官网科技先进个人


1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,“Re-Ni纳米团簇生长机制的解析”,项目批准号:51701071, 2018.01-2020.12,主持

2. 湖南省教育厅项目,“铝镁二元合金团簇结构演变的原子模拟研究”,项目批准号:15C0324,2015.01-2017.4,主持

3.湖南省教育厅重点项目,“二元合金纳米团簇核壳结构演化的原子模拟研究” 项目批准号:18A347,2018.09.01-2021.08,主持

4.湖南省十三五教育科学规划课题,“基于核心素养培养的“科学家故事”的开发及其功效研究”项目批准号:XJK17CJC001, 主持

5.国家重点研发计划,材料计算模拟软件集成与高通量自动流程实现子课题(编号:2018YFB0704001),2018.07 -2022. 06,参与


1.Xiongying Dai, Zhixiong Yang, Aolin Li, Jianyu Yang and Ouyang Fangping, Character of defect states in vacancy-doped MoTe2 monolayer: Spatial localization, flat bands and hybridization gap,Superlattices and Microstructures, 2019, 130:528-538.

2.Xiongying Dai, Jianyu Yang, Wangyu Hu, Yanhui Liu, Diffusion of Al dimers on the surface of Mg clusters,Eur. Phys. J. B2017, 90: 113.

3.Xiongying Dai*, Wangyu Hu, Jianyu Yang,Guojun Yi, Temperature effects on growth configurations for Al-Mg bimetallic nanoparticles,Thin Solid Films, 2017, 626 (31):178-183.

4.Xiongying Dai, Wangyu Hu*, Jianyu Yang, Chuanpin Chen. Diffusion and Growth of Aluminum Adatoms on Magnesium Clusters with Hexahedral Structure,Physica B, 2015, 458:144-148.

5.Xiongying Dai*, Wangyu Hu, Jianyu Yang. The Cluster-size Dependence of Self-diffusion Behavior: A Single Re Adatom on a Hexahedral Surface,Phys. Status. Solidi. B, 2013, 250 (7): 1363-1369.

6.Xiongying Dai, Jianyu Yang*, Wangyu Hu. Surface Self-diffusion of Re Adatom on the Re Cluster with Hexahedral Structure,Physica B, 2013, 414: 97-102.

7.Aolin Li,Jiangling Pan,Xiongying Dai,Fangping Ouyang,Electrical contacts of coplanar 2H/1T′ MoTe2 monolayer,Journal of Applied Physic, 2019,125(07) 5104.

8. Jianyu Yang, Wangyu Hu,Xiongying Dai,Surface segregation and alloying of immiscible Li-Cu and miscible Li-Pb nanoalloys investigated by basin-hopping Monte Carlo method,Comput. Mater. Sci. 2018, 154: 371–379.

9. Jianyu Yang, Wangyu Hu,Xiongying Dai, Atomic simulations for configurations and solid-liquid interface of Li-Fe and Li-Cu icosahedra,Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2017, 19:137.

10. Jianyu Yang, Wangyu Hu,Xiongying Dai, Composition and size dependence of alloying in Ni–Al nanoparticles with icosahedral and rhombohedral configurations: an atomic simulation study,Phys. Status Solidi B2017, 254:1700168.

11. Jianyu Yang*, Wangyu Hu, Jianfeng Tang,Xiongying Dai. Temperature Effects on Growth Configurations of Al Atoms on a Fe Rhombohedron: a Molecular Dynamics Simulation,J. Nanopart Res., 2013, 15: 1719-1725.

12. Jianyu Yang*, Wangyu Hu, Jianfeng Tang,Xiongying Dai. The Formation of FecoreAlshell and FeshellAlcore Nanoparticles, a Molecular Dynamics Simulation.Comput. Mater. Sci., 2013, 74:160-164.

13.Jianyu Yang, Wangyu Hu*, Yurong Wu,Xiongying Dai. Diffusion and Growth of Nickel Iron and Magnesium Adatoms on the Aluminum Truncated Octahedron: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation,Surf. Sci., 2012, 606: 971-980.

14. Jianyu Yang*, Wangyu Hu, Yurong Wu,Xiongying Dai. Substrate Dependence of Growth Configuration for Co-Cu Bimetallic Clusters.Cryst. Growth Des., 2012, 12: 2978-2985.





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